Paul Freeman

Head of Team - CCS Network Code & Network Strategy, CCUS Directorate


Paul loves to understand what works and how to make things work better.

He has over a decade of experience with the UK civil service, working at the science-policy interface across the climate, environment and energy agenda.  He uses evidence and critical thinking to characterise trade-offs, understand risk and develop/appraise options.

As head of CO2 network policy at DESNZ, Paul has shaped the UK’s CCS Network Code, which defines service levels, standards and rights/obligations on CO2 networks.  He is also delivering a network strategy, to understand how the government can help shape the market, to create flexible, resilient and investible CO2 networks.

Paul has previously worked within the Defra Chief Scientist’s office, as a climate negotiator and an environmental consultant.  He is a chartered scientist and a charity trustee.

Registration for CCUS 2025 will open soon.

The conference will be held 15-16 October 2025 at QE2 Conference Centre, Westminster London.